Sneakers to Fill: Help Needed & Wanted

Someday soon the rain will stop and we will be back to a steady diet of RSTC tennis. But it does take more than fair weather to ensure smooth running operations: we need committed volunteers. The cold facts are that the same few people have been doing the lion's share of the work over and over again. There are a plenty of positions available for April and beyond: staging the tournament, hosting the social, buying provisions. The main requirement is enthusiasm, the second requirement is energy. Please don't assume someone else will do it when you can. Be honest with yourself: do the pat excuses and justifications really hold up? I'm betting in most cases the answer is no. So please, please, please give a thought to what you can do, when you can do it and how you can help [we'll set aside where and why]. Please contact one the usual suspects Annette, Irene, Barb, Dennis or Michael to discuss further. You will be glad you did.
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