Emporers Primus Springus Firstus

Top Left: The view from the chairs; Center Left: Renaissance man Paul rests his weary bones; Bottom Left: Monique and Erwin Seibel in their usual party garb.
Paul Reinhardt participated in an unprecedented triple play: he masterminded the tournament, captained the victorious team and then, along with his spouse (and club president) Annette Vernon, hosted the apres-tennis social. Laudate imperator (all praise the emperor)! Contributing to the victory of the Emperors were Paul's teammates Ivan Quinones, Scott Stingel, Ruth Waters, Cynthia Hunton and June Walker.
The "Ides o' March" theme was best exemplified by the contribution of Monique and Erwin Seibel, who devised an interactive and engaging Roman trivia game while garbed in period costume. Alas, the Emperors' knowledge of the history and customs of ancient Rome was not as acute as their skill in tennis. They tied for second place with Gladiators in the trivia tournament. The big winners were the Senators, who won the olive oil and Italian cordial prizes.
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