Baskets Hop Away with the Goods

At the end of the day, the Baskets ran away with this tournament, scoring 61 games. In not-so-close second place was the Bonnets with 51. The Bunnies hopped and the Eggs scrambled but they had to settle for the “nice try” awards.
The Baskets team included: Michael Garb (as Head Basketcase), Calona Paiko, Ed Lee, Paul Insel and Laurie Coleman – congratulations to them all. Each received a fabulous egg filled with Ferrero Rocher chocolates. (To those that have not picked up their prizes yet, hurry, hurry: Unclaimed prizes will, um, not go to waste.)
We wrapped up at Marvin Gardens to have a burger and a beer (fine day-before-Easter fare). We were joined by a not so gimpy Dennis Murphy, recovering from a torn achilles. More proof that you should be playing tennis and not basketball.
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