Open Play Sunday, June Tourney Ahead
Hello. There's a good old-fashion Open Play at Shorebird this Sunday the 11th, starting at 9:00 AM. And don't forget to sign up at eTennis for June's Team Tennis event on the 17th featuring a BBQ extravaganza at the Garbs, who will host a “stick-to-your-ribs” social featuring favorite summer barbeque menu items. Michael is threatening to name the tournament teams Adam's Rib, Spare Ribs, Stick to Your Ribs, and the Rib Cages.
It’s that time of year when the evenings are filled with the enticing smell of wafting barbeque smoke and the June social will be a tribute to that great American tradition—the summer barbeque. So warm up the grill, dust off the potato and macaroni salad recipes and start thinking about your favorite beans, cornbread, corn-on-the-cob and other barbeque treats. Please bring a contribution to the social according to the first letter of your last name as follows:
A-F: Entrees---please bring “pre-barbequed” meats that can be easily warmed on the barbeque or in the oven
G-I: Desserts
J-M: Will be called on Thursday with special food assignment
N-R: Appetizers
S-Z: Side dishes (salads, vegetables, etc.)
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