A Request from Joey Delgado

I am a volunteer tennis coach to 11-13 year old kids in San Leandro. None of these kids have ever hit a tennis ball or even own equipment of their own. It is unclear what their home lives are like but I suspect they don't get much financial support in the sports arena. The program is conducted through our City's Recreation Department and with school/city funds constantly shrinking, the equipment they provide are few and less than adequate. For example, I had 13 kids on the first day and only 8 racquets (Jr one at that and they were falling apart) and 3 cans of balls. I brought my used tennis balls just so they have some to share.
I would like to ask you and members of the club for any old tennis racquets or balls that you may not use any longer and are willing to donate to the kids. I will clean them up, string the racquets if needed and get these kids decent equipment to play with. They are not competitive at all (YET) and simply want to hit the balls around for fun so the racquets don't have to be anything special. I hope you can help and please know that there is no obligation here. Help only if you feel you want to and if you can.
Thank you for your consideration. Email or give me a call.
Tennis Racquet Stringing Service
(650) 867-0957
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