For many years (probably more years than Michael Garb spent as president) I've been the editor of the RSTC newsletter. Effective this tennis season, I've been promoted to (ahem) Director of Marketing and Communications. The sad corollary to this announcement is that the newsletter is now defunct, a victim of e-progress. But the good news is that it has been replaced by the very blog you are now reading and have so easily accessed. What's more, you can post your own comments on the RSTCblog. Our courtside photographers can upload many more photos than the newsletter could accommodate -- and (yes, admit it) we all love to see ourselves up there. There will be no more need for e-vites, because everything will be posted on our space in the TennisOne web site. You'll have all the information you want with a click of your mouse, including other members' e-mail addresses and phone numbers, all password-protected.
My new duties include monitoring the blog site for grammatical errors (just kidding -- well, maybe not), designing a business card that any of you can hand out to prospective members, continuing as a liaison with the Redwood Shores Pilot... That doesn't sound like a lot when I recall having to write the newsletter, do the layout, print out 70 copies, collate, fold and staple the pages, print out address labels, stick those on, stamp them, and take them to the post office. But other stuff will come up, I'm sure.
I for one am very excited by this new approach to communications within the club. Please explore the site and find out for yourself. If you've gotten this far you don't need my help, but if you know someone who's having trouble please tell them to call me for "tech support" (free!) at 650-595-5835 (h) or 650-743-2024 (c).
You'll find out more about our new system at Membership Mania this Sunday, March 5. It's at the Pelican Cove Clubhouse, as usual, and the time has been moved up to 2-4 pm so that you won't miss a moment of the Oscars.