Monday, June 19, 2006

June Tourney Wrap: Perfect Weather Helps Play, Adds to Fun, Favors Watermelons

Joanne Herzog displays Hingis-like backhand form.

Paul Reinhardt hits a tricky low ball as partner Jennifer Anderson looks on.

Rich Acuff rips a topspin return.

World Cup Fever knows few boundaries.

Joe Rust follows through on a forehand.

Irene Muzio slices a serve.

Karen Brodersen's tee shirt foretold the fortunes of Team Watermelon.

RSTC President Annette Vernon addresses an animated audience.

Proof once again that it is mostly about the food.

After a particularly hot Friday, fortune in the form of a milder sun shone on the assembled competitors at the Redwood Shore Tennis Club June BBQ Team Tennis event. The Watermelon Team of Karen Brodersen, Annette Vernon, Joanne Herzog, Joe Rust and Rich Acuff ran away with first place honors with 59 games while the Corn[s] on the Cob[s], comprised of Cynthia Hunton, Jeanette Collins, Jay Muzio, Rudi Kain and Michael Garb, tiptoed into second place by a game over the Cole Slaws at 47. The Ribs rounded out the team foursome and were complimented on their collective effort, which unfortunately was not reflected in their relatively meager [40] amount of games won. Kudos to tournament organizers Annette Vernon & Paul Reinhardt as well as refreshment managers Robin & Steve George and "court" photographer Karen Brodersen.

As the warm day gave way to a pleasantly warm night, the barbecue began. Judy & Michael Garb hosted a well-attended social featuring gourmet cookout fare and libations both usual [wines, beers and soft drinks] and unexpected [a multitude of martinis]. After dipping through a hearty round of appetizers, diners were hard-pressed to decide among steak, ribs and chicken, as well as a variety of green, pasta and fruit salads. Many solved the issue by wisely sampling everything. Anyone who did save room for dessert was rewarded with a full menu of tasty treats. At the raucous awards ceremony, festooned with a flying armada of paper planes, Club President Annette Vernon awarded team prizes of barbecue rubs and sauces to the proud Watermelons while the Cobs selected from a grab bag assortment of club logo and tennis items. And so concluded another day of social tennis adventures.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Summertime...and the livin' is smoky

Great weather is in store for the morrow and we're set up for a really nice social later at the Garbs. Instead of last month's mops and squeegees, this time be sure to bring a hat, shades and sunscreen. In addition, you may want to use the ol' Aussie trick of soaking a small towel or bandanna with cold water for the back of the ne

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Open Play Sunday, June Tourney Ahead

Hello. There's a good old-fashion Open Play at Shorebird this Sunday the 11th, starting at 9:00 AM. And don't forget to sign up at eTennis for June's Team Tennis event on the 17th featuring a BBQ extravaganza at the Garbs, who will host a “stick-to-your-ribs” social featuring favorite summer barbeque menu items. Michael is threatening to name the tournament teams Adam's Rib, Spare Ribs, Stick to Your Ribs, and the Rib Cages.

It’s that time of year when the evenings are filled with the enticing smell of wafting barbeque smoke and the June social will be a tribute to that great American tradition—the summer barbeque. So warm up the grill, dust off the potato and macaroni salad recipes and start thinking about your favorite beans, cornbread, corn-on-the-cob and other barbeque treats. Please bring a contribution to the social according to the first letter of your last name as follows:

A-F: Entrees---please bring “pre-barbequed” meats that can be easily warmed on the barbeque or in the oven

G-I: Desserts

J-M: Will be called on Thursday with special food assignment

N-R: Appetizers

S-Z: Side dishes (salads, vegetables, etc.)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Case of the Missing Racket

We have a racket without an owner...will the owner please contact Dennis at 650-365-5928 or