Hapsburgs Happen Happily at July Tourney

Two teams that led early finished in the middle of the pack. One team who had a rocky start in the morning woke up by midday and surged to 2nd place. 1st and 2nd in both pairs and singles were separated by only one game with the final outcome undecided to the last. Top honors go to Michael Garb & Colona Paiko and Ivan Quinones. Second place was awarded to Cynthia Hunton & Dennis Murphy and Kristian Nergaard.
Note: Be sure to visit the RSTC Photo repository at http://public.fotki.com/rstc/. There are 97 (count 'em) photos of the July Tournament, courtesy of JoAnna Nguyen-Annie-Leibovitz-Delgado.
Left: Crafty lefty Ivan follows through on a forehand; Below: Don relaxes between sets.
Just for fun, see if you can guess the movies in which these quotes were uttered -- by our incomparable, Austrian-born governor:
- I’m not into politics, I’m into survival
- I’ll be back
- If it bleeds, we can kill it
- ( Have you ever killed anyone?) Yeah but they were all bad.
- I don’t know what the problem is, but I’m sure it can be solved without resorting to violence
- Hasta la vista, baby
Answers to the quiz are: The Running Man, The Terminator, Predator, True Lies, Twins, Terminator 2.
Special thanks to Karen Brodersen for organizing the tournament and then reporting on it, Annette and Paul "Vernhardt" for going on a great trip and sharing it with us all by hosting a social (#2!), Joanna Nguyen-Delgado and Joey Delgado for taking an amazing amount of pictures and procuring the prizes.