Baskets Hop Away with the Goods
The Bonnets, Bunnies, Eggs and Baskets took to the courts last Saturday in team tennis format.
At the end of the day, the Baskets ran away with this tournament, scoring 61 games. In not-so-close second place was the Bonnets with 51. The Bunnies hopped and the Eggs scrambled but they had to settle for the “nice try” awards.
The Baskets team included: Michael Garb (as Head Basketcase), Calona Paiko, Ed Lee, Paul Insel and Laurie Coleman – congratulations to them all. Each received a fabulous egg filled with Ferrero Rocher chocolates. (To those that have not picked up their prizes yet, hurry, hurry: Unclaimed prizes will, um, not go to waste.)
We wrapped up at Marvin Gardens to have a burger and a beer (fine day-before-Easter fare). We were joined by a not so gimpy Dennis Murphy, recovering from a torn achilles. More proof that you should be playing tennis and not basketball.